Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Work, leaving 1.2 million without water on Tuesday in the southern part of SP.

Work SABESP (12) Wednesday, without water, leaving a population of 1.2 million in the area south of Sao Paulo because this temple.. To be able to continue the channeling of crrego low bridge, according to the company, pipeline massive is relocated city. 22 hours of 5:00 supplied interrupted, notify the SABESP. State says that it requires the stretching of the pipeline channeling crrego can disrupt the passage of water, have changed this posioe. Change in the pipe, was requested by the city to become the responsibility of the work. Because of this, is that the supply is stopped in the area of ​​the LU So Garden Garden ngela. Supply starts to be gradually resumed 22 hours Terra. Residents were directed via the mobile message posters and brochures and says SABESP. Clark Vo sound to inform the interruption of supply through the streets of the district by car. Check the relationship between the affected area of ​​Alto Riviera, So Chcara Virgin Redondokapo, Chapel, of Good Counsel, Chcara Santa Maria, Santana Chcara, Chcara. The. E. , Ip Ibirapuera garden, garden IMB, IMB garden, garden, Giardini Din Ira Sema, Irapiranga garden, garden Irene, Itaoca garden, garden Rafterman, Rafterman garden, garden Jeriv, Jupi garden, garden Kagohara, Klein garden, garden lingerie,Performance, Lake Park, Europa-Park, Fi Dreams Huatulco Grande Park, Independence Park, LGIA Park, Parque Novo Santo Amaro, St. Hedwig Park, Parque Santo Antnio, Parque Santo Diaz, SNIA Park, Vera Cruz Park. Careful not DESPERDCIO - Take a short shower, close the record in the bubble during.. 195 Customer Service Center that operates seven days a week 24 hours to participate, case of emergency serum. Binding free.

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