Wednesday, August 13, 2014

City Alckmin the body to reduce the flow of water that affect

According to the ONS (national system operator), because it limits the stag of water from rivers cause Jaguari problem of local government at least 15 in Sao Paulo, the determination of the government of Paul,. Among its hometown EST Pindamonhangaba, Governor Gerald Alckmin (PSDB). Empty the reservoir, "collapse" is due to the organ that controls the operation of the power plant in Brazil before the end of the dry season occurs in the municipalities of 43 other of Rio,. I say electric side, indicators and reduce the occurrence of sufficient power for the city's residents of 5.5 million people. Since such, Alm Pindamonhangaba, it means that had an impact on cities such as Guaratinguet Jos dos Campos, and Taubat.   Luis Moura - 21. July. The state government, 14 / Folhapress       Byudamu Jaguari- Jacarei most of Cantareira system of (SP) Vargem City has said must be half water, which is a LAN in the valley Paraba all,. The impasse, worry Pindamonhangaba will meet with members of the consortium for the integrated development of the valley Paraba entourage to discuss the problem, Vito Al Deet Lerrio (PSDB), the mayor. It says director of the Consortium, and want to know about the real danger of missing mayor Valley Paraba is MRIO VIERA. I have to say the picture is involved in the J in the short term, vice president of the committee of the basin Hidrogrficas Paraba south, Lewis Barreti. According to him, the river can be dried in November stag current. National plans to interconnect reservoir Jaguari of Paraba southern basin, the system Cantareira. Save Te Barreti, say the reservoir of other Jaguari, Paraibuna, such as funnel and Santa Blanca (ONS is also to say) and will be punished. "Reservoir depletion risk, ENO rain in 2015.  " .

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