Foss attacker such as kitten buyers on Tuesday night to come to the apartment of the victim, were the animals that threaten her with a title such as gun, service bye-bye at the time of Russia, saying the media service of the Interior Ministry, Moscow were.
In the research department of the northern administrative district of Moscow, attacker, added that stole 50 million rubles in cash. That law enforcement agencies related to the search of money previously revealed it.
Expert - According to Natalia felinologist Beljakova, it provides about 440,000 rubles really lynx cat.
Because it is not a house cat still a dangerous exotic, wild cat was Belyakov can breed in the kennel.
Yesterday, we made a comment to the fact of detention in Moscow "gazelle" Russian bear of residential homes, a weak legal basis to "horizontal"
President Irina Novozhilova, animal protection center "Vita"
In addition, Beast known as lynx to grow to the size of the shepherd. I weigh about 25 kg adult caracals such as 1.20 m, - 50 cm length of the tail - the height of the emotion.
In spite of the impressive size, a mammal in liquor exotic to the ears of popularity to the people of rich Moscow - When you buy, it will take six months or more in line.
It is exposed to the threat of extinction at least wildcat Red Book by species (Red Book). Sometimes, however, subspecies and populations of individual animals are at risk.
If adjusted, it is possible the animal to keep as pets in the apartment in the city, the law does not yet exist Russia.
Gap of law
In March 2011, in particular, are companion animals, and the first country Dumas Read "law to the process responsible of" animal.
Lynx cat
Because it is not a cat in the house yet, Wildcat can be kept in a kennel
They were added dog, cat, horse, hedgehog, ferret, squirrel, chameleon, to seafood to the proposal of the representative.
Right "Bitter" Irina Novozhilova description of the animal of the President of the central risk, the Russian service bye-bye at the time - but, nothing, including the people of Moscow, the fate of the bill in limbo until, prohibits the storage of non-native species.
"Yesterday, we made a comment to the fact of detention in Moscow" gazelle "Russian bear of residential homes, a weak legal basis on the side" - she said.
owned fielder govern personally, to do that the bear that is in very bad condition is itself sued the neighbors, can not be anything more than a year we sprinkle human rights activists it.
According to her, industries associated with exotic animals soared to impossible size. "People think it can be explained by pet property is rare" - Novozhilova followed.
Say in the fashion she - are there other animals captive ferret, or fox is making a comfortable environment is impossible.
In 1992, Russia joined the Convention on International Trade in quotation crisis destruction of extinction of wild animals and plants.
The population of Asia lynx, it is due to the species that may be extinct strict provision does not apply to trade sample conditions of the same species to avoid a situation that is not compatible with the survival of their own.
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